My fascination with the texture and nuances of Mexican handmade woven paper inspired a series of mixed media works. The paper is made from the bark of Amate, Nettle and Mulberry trees native to central Mexico. Each sheet creates an imperfect pattern and is often used as a stencil for my paintings. The randomly painted sheets are then utilized in mixed media works. I also deconstruct the sheets and use the strips, essentially, as brushstrokes. The organic and textural quality of the paper not only holds visual interest, but also provides a connection to the earth, the natural world and the indigenous artisans who have been creating the paper for centuries.

"Bedrock" - Canvas - 56 x 23
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
gallery wall

"Spirit of the Ocean" - Canvas - 24 x 24
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"The Otherness" - Canvas - 16 x 16
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Red Sail" - Canvas - 16 x 20

"Floating Orchids" - Wood - 17 x 48
interior inspiration
interioir inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Moonshadow" Wood Panel - 17 x 36
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Music of the Spheres" - Wood Panel - 15 x 31
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Beyond the Veil" - Wood Panel - 15 x 29
interior inspiration

"Song of the Whales" - Canvas - 36 x 36

interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Flight" - Wood Panel - 17 x 17

"September Rain" - Wood Panel - 26 x 23
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
gallery wall

"Magic Dusk" - Wood Panel - 17 x 26
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

"Cattails" - Wood Panel - 36 x 17
interior inspiration

"Seafoam" - Wood Panel - 15 x 21
interior inspiration

"Paper Seascape" - Wood Panel - 16 x 30
This series of mixed media paintings titled “In Memory OF” is an homage the two most influential ancestors in my life, my mother and father.
The notebook pages are part of a complete alphabetical list in which my father thought of and wrote phrases that sandwiched the word “OF” between two other words. He was always with pen and paper in hand writing word lists. They were his creations, expressions and means of engaging those around him to participate and connect. I now possess countless notebooks and pads containing his writings. They have become a constant source of inspiration in my own work. Sometimes, I will project his handwriting directly on to a canvas or use actual sheets from his books in mixed media works.
My mother is represented in the vessels. Born in Egypt of Greek/Albanian descent, she carried within her a deep reservoir of culture, history, language, oppression, feminine strength and wisdom. The various shapes of the vessels are inspired by ancient Greek pottery. They are painted onto each page using a slight transparency to reveal the writing yet, more so, give voice to her presence.
Each painting is titled with one of the phrases contained within.

"Dose OF Medicine" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Visions OF Grandeur" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Quantum OF Solace" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"City OF Angels" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Country OF Origin" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Paths OF Glory" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Forces OF Nature" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Goddess OF Love" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Home OF Record" - Canvas - 16 x 16

Marriage OF Convenience" - Canvas - 16 x 16

"Act OF God" - Canvas - 16 x 16

interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration
interior inspiration

interior inspiration

interior inspiration

interior inspiration